John Moolenaar is a commonsense leader working for michigan.
Moolenaar Announces 2024 Re-election campaign
It is an honor to serve Michigan residents in Congress and I look forward to reaching out to current and new voters in Michigan’s Second Congressional District.
In Washington, D.C. I have been fighting against the socialist agenda and I will always stand for conservative values including the right to life, the Second Amendment, election integrity, and keeping taxes low so Michigan families keep more of their own money.
Americans know Biden and the Democrats have put America on the wrong track: rising prices hurting seniors and families, excessive mandates, disaster in Afghanistan, lawlessness on the southern border, rising crime and schools in disarray. Now more than ever, Americans need real leadership in Washington and they’re not getting it from Democrats who do nothing as inflation soars to new records.
As a strong conservative, I will continue to fight to defend our Constitution and protect the freedoms we enjoy, fight tax increases, secure the border, and support our law enforcement. I look forward to seeing voters on the campaign trail.
Click here to view Michigan's new Second Congressional District