It is clear the Democrats’ massive tax and spend policies are wrong for Michigan’s Second Congressional District and wrong for America. Inflation has skyrocketed to its highest levels in 40 years. American families are spending more of their hard-earned paychecks and getting less in goods and services. Gas prices continue to rise. I will continue to oppose reckless government spending, including Joe Biden’s $5 trillion “Build Back Broke” socialist spending bill, reject raising taxes on Michigan families and small businesses and support policies that promote America’s energy independence.

Free markets, free enterprise, innovation, and entrepreneurship are the foundation for economic growth and job creation in Michigan and America. Democrats in Washington are committed to enacting an increasingly radical Socialist agenda that will undermine these basic concepts which have historically placed America at the forefront of the global marketplace. We must get the government out of the way, reduce burdensome federal regulations and let American ingenuity drive our economy forward.