During the past two years, parents have seen first hand what schools are teaching their children and I have spoken out against administrators who have put politics over children through countless, unscientific mandates. I believe parents have an absolute right to have a say in their children’s education and support their right to choose what is best for their family. Socialist democrats, on the other hand, believe schools and the government know what is best for kids.

When I was a school administrator, I saw first-hand how empowering parents and students with choices makes a difference in their lives. That's why I will continue to be a champion of school choice in education so that a child’s education is in the hands of their parents and not merely a product of their zip code.

Additionally, I believe our country must provide the next generation of Americans with the skills they need to compete in an increasingly competitive global economy. The skilled trades and the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math offer many opportunities for employment.

I also believe that students who wish to pursue careers in skilled trades and other non-traditional degrees should have access to financial aid, just like those who attend four-year universities. For that reason, I'm committed to expanding access to current financial aid programs to these students.

As a father of six children, I know skyrocketing tuition and other costs are on the minds of parents and high school students throughout the district. That’s why I'm fighting for accountability and transparency in higher education. I've also been a consistent advocate for grants and other financial aid that helps Michigan families fulfill their education goals.

Finally, I'm proud to say that Michigan is home to some of our nation's premier research universities. I will continue to be their advocate in Congress and ensure that they have the funding to continue producing the scientific advancements that make the United States the world leader in innovation.